Growth Mindset

As a mentioned in my Introduction blog, I serve as a staff supervisor is the Student Learning Center. Part of my duties includes training our tutors. For the past few years we have provided training on the topic of growth mindset. First, we ask our tutors to examine whether they have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. We then challenge our tutors to teach students about growth mindset. Our goal is to not only provide student with content specific assistance but to also provide beneficial study skills and resources for overall student success. Like Laura mentioned, even if the theory of growth mindset is questionable, I still believe it provides a fundamental lesson for both educators and students. It has been proven that our intelligence is not fixed (thank goodness!) but that we have the potential to grow and develop in our understanding. You often hear student makes comments such as, “I am just not good at math”. Don’t confuse finding math challenging to math being impossible. Through disciplined practice and effort you can improve upon your understanding and grow your knowledge. I believe that growth mindset is a useful theory that should be shared with students and educators alike.

Grow Your People - Growth Mindset


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