Feedback Thoughts
The first article I chose to read was "Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt". I found this article to be very interesting. I have heard most of the seven points the author mentions before. One that stuck out to me was "Be Vulnerable to a Trusted Community." I believe this something not many people do, yet it is so important. Being vulnerable to anyone, regardless if they are family, friends, or strangers, is difficult. I especially liked that the author said, "vulnerability is the avenue toward getting past it."
The second article I chose to read was "How to Get Past Negativity Bias". I have always found psychology to be fascinating and this just adds to why I believe it. I have heard about brain plasticity but I have never thought about self-directed neuroplasticity. I agree with Hanson in that he said, "We overreact to unpleasant stimulus." He goes on to talk about how we can do dozens of good things but one bad experiences overrides all of the dozens of good things. I personally have experience this and I am sure other have too. I am interested to see further research on this topic.
In general, receiving feedback is an important aspect needed to grow and develop as a leader, individual, student, [insert whatever you would like]. Constructive feedback is vital to enhancing skills. I believe it is also important to reach a place where you are comfortable and maybe even welcome feedback. I believe this point is when we are most able to grow and develop who we are and the skills we possess.
Source: Prof. John Spencer's blog
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