Reading Notes - Crash Course: Creation and Destruction
For the extra reading
this week I chose to watch the Crash Course Myth videos about creation and
The first creation
story mentioned was the traditional Biblical version. Focusing on how humans
are the most powerful life followed by other animals. Conversely, in many other
religions and legends human are on a more equal level as animals. Some legends even say that human arose from
within animals. It was also interesting to hear the view that divine
intervention is required to put an end to the failure of humanity (and to
prevent the apocalypse). It was also interesting to see how 1) general
destruction and 2) punishment and judgement are central themes in almost all apocalyptic
mythology. It was really cool to learn about the differences in apocalyptic stories
between different religions, such as between Christianity and Islam. I am
interested in potentially writing a story about the apocalypse in the future.
Apocalypse War
Source: Pixabay
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