Reading Notes: Holy Land - Noah, Part A
For part A of the reading this week I chose to read Holy Land: Noah from the Ancient Middle East options. This is a story by J. E. Hanauer written in 1907. I chose to read the Ancient Middle East version of Noah because I have decided to write my storybook over the Life of Noah. I thought it would be interesting to see the comparisons between the version I am use to and the version told in this story.
I was surprised to see such similarity between the two versions of Noah. Many aspects of the story are very similar. I did notice quite a bit of added details in this version as compared to the traditional Christian version. Although there are many similarities, there are also many differences. Again, as I have mentioned, there is a lot of added detail about individuals, animals, etc. in this version. The difference that stood out most to me is the story about the donkey and the extent to which it is described.
It was interesting to read a version of the story that is so different than anything I have ever seen. I enjoyed seeing how Noah's character and life differ between the two versions. I am looking forward to reading more about the use of animal metaphors and how they relate to Noah's drunkenness.
Animals Entering Noah's Ark
Source: Painting by Leandro Bassano provided via Wikimedia Commons
Bibliography: Folk-lore of the Holy Land: Moslem, Christian, and Jewish by J. E. Hanauer (1907).
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