Reading Notes: Apache, Part B
For the second part of the Apache Unit reading this week, I chose to focus on Apache: Coyote and Porcupine. This story is very odd and involves a lot of tragic death. The story begin by the porcupine tricking a buffalo into helping him cross a river. The buffalo agrees but is ultimately killed by the porcupine. The porcupine then tricks the Coyote into butchering the buffalo. A battle ensues between the porcupine and Coyote with the porcupine eventually winning and the Coyote and his children are killed.
When you think about it, this is a really sad story. I chose this story not because I necessarily liked it but because I liked how it showed the intelligence of the porcupine. He tricked multiple individuals (animals) to do the hard work for him so he could relax and enjoy the final product. Someone may focus on the death in this story and miss the meticulous intellect of the porcupine. I think it is cool how this is a subtle yet important aspect of the story.

Resting Porcupine - Source: Flickr
Bibliography: Jicarilla Apache Texts edited by Pliny Earle Goddard (1911).
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