Reading Notes: Adam & Eve, Part A

This week I chose to read “The First Book of Adam and Eve.” An excerpt from The Forgotten Books of Eden by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr. The first thing that stood out to me was when Adam and Eve left the garden and saw the “broad earth spread before them”, they were so use to the beauty and breath of the garden they were stricken with fear and fell down. To me this helps paint a picture of just what the garden was like. Seeing how they reacted to not being in the garden helps illustrate what the garden was like.

Something else that stood out to me is how often Adam and Eve fell down in fear. This happened multiple times in the first few chapters alone. Each time Adam and Eve were overcome with fear and fell down with their faces in the ground, God showed mercy on them. He helped them to overcome their fear by showing them mercy and reassuring Adam and Eve of His plan for them.

This story is written similar to Bible text. There are versus and they are numbered. In this particular passage, there is quite a bit of direct quoting; whether it be from God, his angle, or Adam and Eve conversing with one another. This story did use a hint of old-English writing style, but it was relatively clear and easy to understand.

Adam and Eve in the garden.
Source: Sacred-Texts

Biblography: The Forgotten Books of Eden by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr. [1926]


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