Week 8 Comments and Feedback

Most of the comments I have received have been very helpful at further developing my stories. The comments I find most useful are the ones that not only provide suggestions and advice but also explain why they are suggesting/advising that particular thing. This helps to reveal the genuine nature of their comment, and it helps to gain a better perspective of how they interpreted the story. 

I feel like the comments I give, particularly on stories, are beneficial. There are many times that the stories I read are great. In these cases, I try to dive even deeper and suggest things that can open a new pathway in their story. Generally, I like the feedback strategy of providing positives, proposing questions, and then offering constructive feedback. 

Since this is an online class it is difficult to really get to know people but I do feel like I am able to connect with others by reading their introduction and through commenting. 

Looking forward, I think I can do a better job of proposing questions (through comments) to help the author view their story how their readers might. And to lead them to open new opportunities/layers in their stories. I would like to spruce up my comment wall. 

The feedback infographic I chose was What Great Listeners Actually Do. I chose this infographic because I think it has many great points about how to be an effective listener, which is important in every aspect of life. Additionally, there were many infographics I found to be useful and interesting. I chose this one because I talked about asking questions that promote discovery and insight through my comments and this infographics also details this thought process. 


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