
Showing posts from August, 2018

Week 2 Story: The Woman and the Bear

A women was walking home after a long with her two children, Adam and Lane.  The trek was long, treacherous, and tiresome.  Lane shouted, "Mom can we please take the shortcut!" As Natalie was already growing weary, she agreed. The shortcut was a slim, narrow passage through the deep forest. As they began down the small, narrow passage Adam began to worry. He said, “Mom, do you hear that?” Meanwhile, Lane was excited and began inching ahead of the others. At once, Lane stopped, frozen in his tracks and screamed, “BEAR!” Motherly instinct kicked in and Natalie ran to save her child. But Lane quickly realized something was not right. The bear—stricken with worry—asked for help. The bear said, “Please follow me, it’s my cub” Leaving the small, narrow passage way they followed the bear hesitantly After walking deep into the forest Natalie was concern that it was a trap. “Did the bear just want a nice, hearty meal?” “Did I make a mistake?” “Wha...

Reading Notes: The Tiger, The Brahman, and the Jackal

The story The Tiger, The Brahman, and the Jackal by Joseph Jacobs contains three main characters, as the title insinuates. The main characters are the tiger, the Brahman, and jackal. The Jackal is not introduced until later in the story. This type of story is a trickster folktale. I noticed significant use of personification in this story. The tiger, jackal, pipal-tree, buffalo, and a road all spoke as if they were humans in this story. At first it is difficult to see how this is a trickster folktale, but it becomes much more evident at the end of the story when it appears that the Brahman and Jackal are working together (or thinking the same thing). The story is a quick read and is easy to follow. The story is laid out in a way that makes it more simple and clear who is speaking and about what. Also, I noticed that the majority of this story is written using quotation marks; and, at some points, is outlining a direct conversation that occurred. I think the length of this story is...

Reading Options

After browsing through UnTextbook, the articles I found most interesting are listed below: The book "The Legend of the Jews" describes the story of Adam and Eve from a more in-depth perspective. I think it would interesting yet informative to learn more about this topic. The second story I am looking forward to reading is "Bible Women". Not only do I find this topic interesting, I think it would be something fun to write about. Lastly, I would like to read is "Folklore of the Holy Land: Moslem, Christian, and Jewish". The overview said that this story would connect really well with the other units I am interested in reading. Source: Legends of the Jews

Time Strategies

I like to consider myself an organized person. In order to remain organized, I live by my calendar. Specially, I use Outlook calendar since it is already attached to my OU email. My jobs require me to attend several meetings each week in addition to classes, office hours, etc. In order to stay organize, I try to plan out my entire day (and hopefully week) well in advance. I also remain flexible about changing and adding items to my calendar. I found the article titled: 11 Ways Unsuccessful People Mismanage Their Time , very interesting; luckily, I can say I do not do any of those 11 items. In addition to my calendar, I like to make daily checklists. Checklists help me to identify my goals for the day and act as means of accountability for me to accomplish what I have set out to. So, I also chose (and enjoyed) the article Psychology of Checklists . Time Strategies: The Calendar Source: Pexels

Class Technology

I have taken several online courses at OU; none have involved such a wide range of technology as does this class. Most of my online classes primarily use Canvas for everything, including discussions and comments. I am especially interested in website publishing and graphic creation. I have always wanted to create my own website, and creating graphics is a fun and eye-catching way to promote/publicize information.     The use of technology is endless Source: Wikimedia Commons - Free Media Repository 

Class Assignments

None of my previous classes have ever been set up quite like this course; especially the grading. I have had other classes with similar assignment set ups, such as reading, writing, commenting, and a semester-long project. I especially like that, through how this class is graded and the point system, I can customize it to what I find most interesting. Regarding the extra credit, I am particularly interested in Growth Mindset , H.E.A.R.T., and tech tips.  Growth Mindset: " Make Generosity Part of Your Growth Strategy" Growth Mindset: Inspiration Quotes - Source: Free Images

Growth Mindset

As a mentioned in my Introduction blog, I serve as a staff supervisor is the Student Learning Center. Part of my duties includes training our tutors. For the past few years we have provided training on the topic of growth mindset. First, we ask our tutors to examine whether they have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. We then challenge our tutors to teach students about growth mindset. Our goal is to not only provide student with content specific assistance but to also provide beneficial study skills and resources for overall student success. Like Laura mentioned, even if the theory of growth mindset is questionable, I still believe it provides a fundamental lesson for both educators and students. It has been proven that our intelligence is not fixed (thank goodness!) but that we have the potential to grow and develop in our understanding. You often hear student makes comments such as, “I am just not good at math”. Don’t confuse finding math challenging to math being impossibl...


Hello, my name is Jarad Anderson. I am a senior chemical biosciences and pre-medicine major. I am currently in the process of applying to medical school. A very exciting yet stressful time! I absolutely love it here at the University of Oklahoma and have really immersed myself in University College. I actually work in two different University College departments: The Office of Freshman Programs and the Student Learning Center. My role in Freshman Programs is to serve as a senior advisor for Alpha Lambda Delta National Honor Society. My main job is to provide guidance and serve as a mentor for the current executive council. Additionally, in the Student Learning Center, I serve as a staff supervisor and study night coordinator. I plan large exam study nights for major uniform classes such as introductory chemistry, biology, and psychology. Last year over 2,500 student attended our study nights. Also, although it’s technically not a position within University College, I serve as a t...

Storybook Favorites

Storybook Favorites International Travel The first storybook I chose is International Traveler . The introduction was very intriguing and made me want to read more. It is obvious that this author has a very unique experience and, one that I think, shows how “family” is not just related by genetics but rather a sense of community and love. I have only traveled internationally once for a medical mission trip. I hope to travel more in the future. This is also partially why I was drawn to this storybook. I also really liked the layout of this blog. It features a nice, simple title line, then the text, and is finished with a picture.   Biblical Women The second storybook I chose is Biblical Women . The Bible is full of fascinating stories about prominent women. I think this is a unique topic that is not often discussed. I chose this because I not only think it would be interesting to read but also to research and write about. I do have some familiarity with this topic. Add...

Favorite Place

I have long been fascinated by the rolling hills, beautiful mountain peaks, and green landscape of Switzerland. It is a dream of mine to one day hike through the breathtaking landscape like the one shown below. Photo Credit CAPTION: Free to use photo of the Switzerland landscape taken by Dennis Jarvis on August 25th, 2015. 


Just making sure  everything works!