Time Strategies
I like to consider myself an organized person. In order to remain organized, I live by my calendar. Specially, I use Outlook calendar since it is already attached to my OU email. My jobs require me to attend several meetings each week in addition to classes, office hours, etc. In order to stay organize, I try to plan out my entire day (and hopefully week) well in advance. I also remain flexible about changing and adding items to my calendar. I found the article titled: 11 Ways Unsuccessful People Mismanage Their Time, very interesting; luckily, I can say I do not do any of those 11 items. In addition to my calendar, I like to make daily checklists. Checklists help me to identify my goals for the day and act as means of accountability for me to accomplish what I have set out to. So, I also chose (and enjoyed) the article Psychology of Checklists.
Time Strategies: The Calendar
Source: Pexels
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