Reading Notes: Bible Women - Sarah
I chose to read the Bible Women from the Biblical Unit.
Specially, I chose to read about Sarah, who is the wife of Abraham and the
mother of Isaac. Both Abraham and Isaac are major individuals throughout the
Bible. Something interesting I found on the Wikipedia site was that the Hebrew
name “Sarah” can be translated as “noblewoman.”
This story is an excerpt from the King James Bible, which is
written in more formal, old English style. This particular excerpt was not too
hard to follow and understand. Some things that stand out to me are the fact
that Abraham treats his guest so well. He ask Sarah to prepare a huge meal and
gives them a calf, milk, and butter. Additionally, the fact that Sarah is able
to conceive at such an old age. The passage never states her actual age. It did
mention that Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born. Also, the fact that
Sarah laughed when the Lord said she would bear a child then denied it to her
husband. The Lord basically called her out on her lie. Abraham threw a huge
feast the day Isaac was weaned celebrating his miraculous birth.
Although this technically is a Bible story, it was more of a
background about Sarah. I am looking forward to seeing how the story progresses with
addition of Hagar.
Abraham and Sarah at Mamre
Source: Wikimedia Common, the free media repository.
Bibliography: King James Bible (1611): Genesis 18
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