Reading Notes - King Arthur, Part A
For the reading this week, I chose to focus on the story King Arthur: The Drawing of the Sword written by Andrew Lang. I have always loved hearing this story, and think it has a great message!
Although I think this story is well written and does a great job at keeping the attention of its readers, this is not the aspect I would like to focus on. What I find most admirable about this story is the humility of Arthur even after he becomes the king. First, he willing rode back to help his brother by finding his sword. Then, after he removed the sword from the stone, his father and brother bow before him in reverence, but Arthur simply asks why are they bowing before him. Lastly, after he was crowned king, he promised to rule fairly and "do them justice all the days of his life."
I am definitely interested in writing a story that focuses on a humble, grateful, and thankful king like Arthur. I think this is a great example of how a leader should behave and act, not becoming greedy and privileged.

Excalibur sword in stone among the Celtic Standing Stones at Glen Innes New England
Source: Flickr
Bibliography: King Arthur: Tales of the Round Table by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H.J. Ford (1902).
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