Reading Notes - King Arthur, Part B
For the second part of the reading this week, I chose to continue reading the King Arthur unit. Specifically, I am going to focus on the story Sir Lancelot and the Five Hundred Knights by Andrew Lang.
I chose this story because I like how it portrays the internal conflict that Sir Lancelot faces. This is an interesting story that is easy to follow and easily keeps the attention of the reader. I also like the detail that is used to describe the white horses. I think I could use the idea of internal conflict in one of my future stories. I may not necessarily focus my entire story on this aspect, but rather include it as only one aspect of my story; in a sense, combining multiple different ideas from multiple different stories into one. Overall, I have enjoyed this unit and enjoyed learning/refreshing my knowledge of King Arthur. I also enjoyed the way this story was written. Although it was easy to follow, it did require more thought and attention that other stories. I think this is beneficial in that it truly makes the reader study and analyze the text as they read.
White Horse - Source: PxHere
Bibliography: King Arthur: Tales of the Round Table by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H. J. Ford (1902).
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